Effect of Mobile phone on health of Children:

Mobile Phone’s Effects on Mental and Physical Health of Kids:

2 min readJan 10, 2022


As we know mobile phone have many benefits related to our daily life chores but on the other side it also having many disadvantages. But here I’ll just write about effects of this great invention of science, on health of children.

Child-hood is the most important and learning period of our life. Kids of 1–10 years old, starts learning from their surrounding . But mobile distract their attention from their environment and the process of their learning slow-downs. They are even not trying to learn walking and talking, the basic and initial things they have to learn.

They are just interested to learn the use of mobile phone as their parents. They do not want to play physical games and activities because they are feeling fun in playing games in mobile.

So in the age of learning things, children are using mobile phone. This makes their creative and sharp minds, blunt. They also face physical weakness. Their eyesight also becomes weak due to rays of the screen. This gadget also distract students from studies and in this their bright future would destroy.

Stop giving mobile phones to kinds:

Today the first basic step of upbringing a child is to not giving mobile in their hands till 18 years of age and you will see a clear change in your child, that differentiate it from others. They will be physically and mentally more active then other kids.

